Shockblade Shen Skin Information And Accounts

Shockblade Shen Lol Skin

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Shockblade Shen Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 1350 RP
Concept A skin that turns the Eye of Twilight into a storm-wielding warrior.
Model New model
Particles New particles on his abilities and auto attacks
Animations New animations, new recall animation
Sounds New sound effects
Rarity common
Release date 17/02/2022

Shockblade Shen In-game Images

Shockblade Shen front in-game
Shockblade Shen Back and profile in-game
Shockblade Shen Auto attack animation
Shockblade Shen Q animation
Shockblade Shen W Animation
Shockblade Shen E1 Animation
Shockblade Shen R1 Animation
Shockblade Shen Passive

Shockblade Shen In-game Video

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Shen's model is updated to reflect his new identity, replacing his traditional ninja garb with a storm-themed ensemble. His suit is now white, a color often associated with lightning, and his accents and ninja mask take on a vibrant electric blue hue. His broad, curved spirit sword also transforms into a weapon crackling with raw energy, flashing with bursts of electricity every time it slashes through the air.

Sound effects are also updated to bring the thunder. Each attack lands with a satisfying sizzle, and the activation of Shen's abilities is met with the resonating boom of thunder.

And let's not forget the new recall animation, where Shen slashes invisible enemies with one of his daggers, only to prepare for the final electrifying blow that helps him land on Summoner’s platform — a spectacle worthy of the storm-themed ninja.

In short, the "Shockblade Shen" skin presents a visually stunning portrayal of Shen, combining his ninja roots with the unpredictable and raw power of a storm, charging every action with electrifying intensity.

Shockblade skinline information

The Shockblade skin line in League of Legends is a thematic series of skins that draw inspiration from the raw and unbridled power of the storm. Harnessing the elements, champions who don these skins are transformed into storm-themed warriors with electrifying abilities and stunning visual effects.

Other than Shockblade Shen the skins in this line include:

How much is Shockblade Shen worth? Is it rare?

Although the price in the store isn’t the lowest, it is still considered to be a common skin, as in contrary to many rare skins, it can be simply purchased in the game store.

How can you get Shockblade Shen?

You can either purchase it from the shop or get it from a Hextech Crafting/Mystery Gift. Another way is to get an account with this skin already.

Can you get Shockblade Shen from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can get Shockblade Shen in a Hextech chest or through a Mystery Gift. However, keep in mind that the odds of getting a specific skin you want in a chest are very low unless you own most of the skins in the game already. You can already get an account with this skin in our shop.

BUY Shockblade Shen Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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