
Ethical Boosting - Our way

Alistar Smyth

2 nd  September 2024 Edited at: 2nd September 2024

Ethical Boosting - Our Way

The boosting industry in League of Legends has grown immensely over the years, with many companies emerging to offer services to players aiming to climb the ranks. However, this industry often hides a darker side, characterized by exploitative practices. Many boosting companies prioritize their bottom line, paying boosters only a fraction of the fees charged to customers—often between 30% and 40%.

At UnrankedSmurfs, we have observed these practices and decided to take a different approach. We believe in fair compensation for the hard work and dedication of the skilled players who offer their services as boosters. Our philosophy is simple: happy and well-compensated workers deliver superior results. Therefore, our goal is to pay our boosters an average of 70% of what our customers pay. This model ensures that our boosters feel valued and motivated, leading to better outcomes for our clients.

A Team of Top-Performing Boosters

We are committed to maintaining a small, dedicated team of boosters who are not only exceptionally skilled but also capable of performing at the highest levels of play. Our team includes players who can boost up to Top 50 Challenger. If you are interested in a high-elo boost, we encourage you to reach out to us directly at [email protected].

Strict Selection and Testing

Our hiring process is stringent, ensuring that only the best of the best join our ranks. The minimum requirement to become a booster at UnrankedSmurfs is a high GrandMaster rank, which already places a player in the top 0.01% of the player base. However, rank alone is not enough. Each potential booster undergoes manual testing that evaluates not only their mechanical skill and game knowledge but also their personality, work ethic, and approach to customer interaction.

Beyond Just a Service

We understand that our customers are looking for more than just a successful boost. Many players are interested in the journey, seeking a connection with a high-elo player who can provide insight, guidance, and an engaging experience. Our boosters are selected not only for their skill but also for their ability to engage with customers in a friendly and informative manner. Whether you’re looking for tips to improve your gameplay or just want a pleasant conversation while climbing the ranks, our boosters are equipped to deliver a comprehensive and enjoyable experience.

By focusing on fair compensation, strict selection criteria, and a holistic approach to customer interaction, UnrankedSmurfs is redefining what it means to provide an ethical boosting service in the League of Legends community. We believe that this approach not only benefits our boosters but also ensures a higher level of service for our customers.

For this and many other reasons we highly recommend you try our duo boosting to get to know our team.

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Alistar Smyth

Content Writer
With over two years in Challenger Alistar now spends his queue time writing League of Legends content to help people improve.

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