Omega Squad Twitch Skin Information And Accounts

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Omega Squad Twitch Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 1350 RP
Concept Twitch as a squad medic (and a deranged lunatic)
Model New model
Particles New particles on his abilities and auto attacks
Animations New animations, new recall animation
Sounds New Sound Effects and a Voice Filter
Rarity common
Release date 13/07/2017

Omega Squad Twitch In-game Images

Omega Squad Twitch front in-game
Omega Squad Twitch Back and profile in-game
Omega Squad Twitch Auto attack animation
Omega Squad Twitch Q animation
Omega Squad Twitch W Animation
Omega Squad Twitch E1 Animation
Omega Squad Twitch R1 Animation
Omega Squad Twitch R2 Animation
Omega Squad Twitch Passive

Omega Squad Twitch In-game Video

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Omega Squad Twitch is a commando mouse character, featuring Twitch in a rather intimidating getup compared to his usual plague-rat appearance. His fur is dyed dark green, almost brown and he's kitted out in military-style gear, including a tactical vest and bandolier. He's armed with a high-end chemical weapon that appears to have a rather long-lasting effect on enemies hit. With various canisters and vials attached to it, Twitch’s ready to rain chemical warfare on his enemies.

The skin also includes new particles for his abilities and auto-attacks, themed around his spec-ops identity. For example, his auto-attacks and poison effect are reimagined as chemical warfare, and his stealth ability, "Q - Ambush", is shown as him activating a high-tech camouflage device. What accompanies the skill is a set of sound effects — from the ambiance to the character’s breathing through a mask.

Overall, Omega Squad Twitch offers a complete re-imagination of the champion, showcasing a grittier, darker version of the usually jovial rat character.

Skinline information

The Omega Squad skin line in League of Legends is a collection of skins that reimagine various champions as part of a covert, military-style special operations unit. This skin line portrays a darker, more serious tone compared to many of the game's other skin lines, with the champions kitted out in tactical gear and weaponry.

The Omega Squad skin line is heavily inspired by modern-day military and special forces units. Champions in this skin line are depicted with a variety of high-tech and makeshift weaponry and gear, reflecting their roles as hardened combat veterans.

So who’s in the squad? These fellas:

How much is Omega Squad Twitch worth? Is it rare?

Although the price in the store isn’t the lowest, it is still considered to be a common skin, as in contrary to many rare skins, it can be simply purchased in the game store.

How can you get Omega Squad Twitch?

You can either purchase it from the shop or get it from a Hextech Crafting/Mystery Gift. Another way is to get an account with this skin already.

Can you get Omega Squad Twitch from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can get Omega Squad Twitch in a Hextech chest or through a Mystery Gift. However, keep in mind that the odds of getting a specific skin you want in a chest are very low unless you own most of the skins in the game already. You can already get an account with this skin in our shop.

BUY Omega Squad Twitch Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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