Emerald Taric Skin Information And Accounts

Emerald Taric Lol Skin

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Emerald Taric Skin Information

Availability Not Available In Store, Legacy Vault
Price 520 RP
Concept The general theme is green and nature. Taric stylized as wearing green gear
Model New model changes for Taric including new gear and weapon
Particles Emeralds that follows Taric
Animations No new animations
Sounds No new sounds
Rarity common
Release date 19/11/2009

One of the most original and unique skins of Taric, Emerald Taric was released at the end of 2009, which is makes it one of the oldest skins in the League of Legends. Although the skin is very old, it can clearly be seen that the design team of League of Legends did a very decent job: Emerald Taric is such a wonderful skin that still can compete with his other skins. 

The main theme of the skin is nature so the skin has almost fully green colors. In the splash art, detailly drawn Taric can be seen with his shiny green armor, gear, and weapon. It looks like Taric is getting his power from nature. As for the look of the skin, the armor doesn’t look as shiny as it is in the splash art, but still looks great considering League of Legends’ simplified graphics. One of the factors that make this skin so popular is the green emeralds that go around Emeral Taric. This really delivers the vibe of Taric is getting some naturistic powers.

Apart from this emerald article, there are unfortunately no other additional effects for this skin. There are no new sound effects or animation, yet the skin looks fun to play with its creative design. And like many other old skins, you cannot buy Emerald Taric directly from the official store; you’ll need to wait for the legacy vault to get unlocked first.

Emerland Taric Leuage of Legend skin front view
Emerland Taric Leuage of Legend skin ability view

BUY Emerald Taric Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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