Dragonslayer Trundle Skin Information And Accounts

Dragonslayer Trundle Lol Skin

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Dragonslayer Trundle Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 1350 RP
Concept Trundle has been blessed with the power to command the power of ice, and apparently, slay dragons
Model New model
Particles New particles on his abilities and auto attacks
Animations New animations, new recall animation
Sounds New Sound Effects
Rarity common
Release date 30/01/2020

Dragonslayer Trundle In-game Images

Dragonslayer Trundle front in-game
Dragonslayer Trundle Back and profile in-game
Dragonslayer Trundle Auto attack animation
Dragonslayer Trundle Q animation
Dragonslayer Trundle W Animation
Dragonslayer Trundle E1 Animation
Dragonslayer Trundle R1 Animation

Dragonslayer Trundle In-game Video

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The hefty, fun-loving troll king is now ready to face down creatures of legend, swapping his icy domain for the fiery lair of a dragon. He’s a troll with a goal and that goal is dragon-slaying!

He dons armor that's seen many a battle, cobbled together from the remnants of his dragon-vanquishing escapades. Pieces of dark dragon scales, claws, and bones are woven into his outfit, offering a stark contrast against his white skin. A crown, styled of ice shards, rests atop his head - his own quirky, trollish spin on the concept of a "dragon king".

But the real show-stopper is his weapon. Instead of his typical ice club, Trundle now wields an enormous, axe-like structure made out of dark and light-blue ice. It's a club only Trundle could love, and love it he does! Swinging it around with giddy abandon, each of his attacks sends out a breath of cold air.

When Trundle activates his Subjugate ultimate, he lets out a bellowing roar, so fearsome that even the most hardened dragons might think twice before tangling with him. The effect shows Trundle siphoning fiery life essence from his foes, wreathing him in a crackling aura of purple energy, and giving him a downright terrifying presence on the battlefield.

With Dragonslayer Trundle, the game becomes a rollicking, fantasy-epic-turned-troll-party. After all, nothing screams 'fun' like a troll charging headlong into battle, laughing all the way, with the power to kill dragons at-hand. Dragonslayer Trundle isn't just about slaying dragons, he's about having a blast while doing it!

Dragon World skinline information

In this universe, champions are either aligned with the dragons, like the Dragon Masters, Dragon Slayers, and Dragon Sorcerers, harnessing their power for battle, or they themselves are dragon-like beings, part of the grandiose Dragonmancer group or other dragon-themed sublines.

The Dragon Slayer champions are typically depicted as heroic, larger-than-life characters, bearing armor and weapons forged from the remnants of the dragons they've slain. Their designs are rugged and raw, reflecting the dangers and hardships of their chosen path. And who exactly possesses the ability to harness and slay dragons?

How much is Dragonslayer Trundle worth? Is it rare?

Although the price in the store isn’t the lowest, it is still considered to be a common skin, as in contrary to many rare skins, it can be simply purchased in the game store.

How can you get Dragonslayer Trundle?

You can either purchase it from the shop or get it from a Hextech Crafting/Mystery Gift. Another way is to get an account with this skin already.

Can you get Dragonslayer Trundle from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can get Dragonslayer Trundle in a Hextech chest or through a Mystery Gift. However, keep in mind that the odds of getting a specific skin you want in a chest are very low unless you own most of the skins in the game already. You can already get an account with this skin in our shop.

BUY Dragonslayer Trundle Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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