Chosen Master Yi Skin Information And Accounts

Chosen Master Yi Lol Skin

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Chosen Master Yi Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 520 RP
Concept Chosen Master Yi turns Master Yi into a futuristic warrior with a glowing energy sword and light-infused abilities.
Model No new model
Particles No new particles
Animations No new animations
Sounds No new sound effects
Rarity common
Release date 03/01/2010
Chosen Master Yi front in-game
Chosen Master Yi Back and profile in-game
Chosen Master Yi Auto attack animation
Chosen Master Yi Q animation
Chosen Master Yi W Animation
Chosen Master Yi E Animation
Chosen Master Yi R1 Animation

Chosen Master Yi In-game Video

Chosen Master Yi

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Chosen Master Yi is a legendary skin that turns Master Yi into a sleek futuristic warrior with a lightsaber sword. This skin changes his base model completely, gives him a sci-fi look. His armor is minimal but powerful with blue lines running through it representing his mastery of an ancient energy force. The most notable part of the skin is his sword which glows like a lightsaber from a famous space saga.

The skin's animations, particles and sound effects are tweaked to fit the futuristic theme. His abilities glow, with bright slashes and the ultimate ability leaves energy trails as he dashes across the map. These effects make the skin look even more sleek and futuristic in his attacks.

Chosen Master Yi History

No major visual updates or reworks since release. Still one of the most popular Master Yi skins due to its design and resemblance to lightsaber wielding heroes from pop culture.

Skinline Information

Chosen Master Yi is a standalone skin and doesn't belong to any skinline. But it fits with the high-tech or futuristic skins in the game because of its sci-fi theme.

How much is Chosen Master Yi worth? Is it rare?

Chosen Master Yi is an older skin priced at 520 RP, it's more affordable than most skins. Not rare, it's in the store and not vaulted or in the legacy vault. Despite being cheaper, the skin is still popular for its design.

How to get Chosen Master Yi?

Chosen Master Yi is in the in-game store for 520 RP. As a permanent skin, you can get it at any time using Riot Points.

Can you get Chosen Master Yi from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

Yes, you can get Chosen Master Yi from Hextech Crafting or as a Mystery Gift. But since it's a legendary skin, the chances of getting it from a chest or gift is lower than lower tier skins.

BUY Chosen Master Yi Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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