Bilgewater Swain Skin Information And Accounts

Bilgewater Swain Lol Skin

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Bilgewater Swain Skin Information

Availability Available
Price 524 RP
Concept Swain as a scourge of the seven seas
Model New model changes
Particles New particles on his joke
Animations No new animations
Sounds New sound on his joke
Rarity common
Release date 04/10/2010

Right off the bat the similarities between this skin and that of ‘Jecht’ from Final Fantasy are clear – first off, they both have an arm completely concealed. In Jechts case, it’s by his gauntlet, and in Swain's case it’s coated in glowing crimson energy.

What makes them so similar though, is that they have an almost identical skin tone, and they both have a shock of raven black hair kept in place by a red bandana.

Speaking of Ravens, Beatrice and the rest of the flock have received a tropical makeover! If you’re going to make a pirate-themed skin, then you have to have parrots – it’s essential.

The colorful plumage is certainly striking, and when Bilgewater Swain feeds his feathered friends, he does so using rainbow bird feed. As you can see, this skin is a touch more flamboyant than his default skin.

As for Bilgewater Swains outfit, he’s decked out in a crimson greatcoat, indicating that he’s likely a captain – he has sentient birds and a magical arm, why wouldn’t he be in charge?

He also has an array of baubles dangling from his ears, giving him a bit of a “Jack Sparrow” kind of vibe. The gold medallion that dangles around his neck serves as a great accessory to tie the look together.

It’s worth noting that unlike many of Swain's other skins, he’s not wearing a shirt – this allows him to show off his chest tattoos, along with those bulging pecs.

 Bilgewater Swain's splash art is also pretty impressive – he stands atop the mast of a ship, a nice sense of distance is created between Bilgewater Swain and the deck beneath by blurring everything down below – Bilgewater Swain looks fairly nonplussed by the fact that his sails are in tatters and that he’s being fired upon. His men, however, look appropriately panicked.

He has more stubble on his face than he does in his default skin, which almost makes him seem like a different person – his eyes aren’t black pits like they usually are either. Instead, they glint like rubies in soft candlelight, as do the three eyes of his Parrots who can be seen soaring nearby.

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