Battle Bunny Riven Skin Information And Accounts

Battle Bunny Riven Lol Skin

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Battle Bunny Riven Skin Information

Availability Available In Store
Price 975 RP
Concept Riven as a PlayBoy Bunny
Model New model changes including a new costume for Riven dressed in a PlayBoy bunny outfit and a new sword.
Particles New particles for all of her abilities when slashing her sword.
Animations New bunny tail wiggle animations
Sounds No new sounds
Rarity common
Release date 06/04/2012
top seprator

Battle Bunny Riven is a common skin that was released in 2012. This skin is based on a community suggestion from theĀ League of Legends forumsĀ which ended being the most upvoted forum thread ever.

Originally teased as an April fools joke. The skin was released in the Riot store on 6th April 2012 and is still available today for 975 RP.

The skin itself is based on the famous Playboy Bunny models costume from the Playboy Club. Model changes for the skin include a new texture and new model to incorporate her bunny costume and bunny ears.

There is also a new bunny tail wiggle animation included which happens when Riven auto attacks and uses her abilities.
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Battle Bunny Riven has also been given a new orange broken sword that gives off orange particles when she attacks. When using her ultimate the sword changes into a large orange blade with flying orange shards as well.

There is also a new bunny tail wiggle animation included which happens when Riven auto attacks and uses her abilities. Using her dance and emotes also trigger the effect. Although there are several model changes, new particles and animations there are no new sounds included with this skin. So unfortunately youā€™ll have to make your own bunny noises while you play!

If you want to hop around and dominate your lane then Battle Bunny Riven is a great skin. In fact, itā€™s in theĀ top 10 most popularĀ skins coming in at a respectable number 7.

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Battle Bunny Riven Images

Battlebunny Riven
Battle Bunny Riven LoL Skin
Battle Bunny Riven Attack
Battle Bunny Riven Ultimate

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Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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