NA Master

North America League of Legends Account

USD 309.99

USD 299.99

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Pre Ranked

This account is ranked at Master which makes it the perfect smurf account to practice at your ranked ELO immediately
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Free Lifetime Guarantee

If something happens to your League of Legends account, you're covered by our guarantee. This means we'll replace it. Find out more here.
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Hand Leveled Accounts

Our League of Legends accounts are levelled by real players using a variety of methods, which gives us the lowest ban rate in the industry.
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Safe & Secure Payment

Our site is secured using SSL technology and uses secure gateways for payment processing. We also provide full recovery details on all accounts.
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24/7 Instant Delivery

When you buy a LoL Smurf account from us it will be delivered instantly after completing your purchase on screen and via email.
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Rated 5 Stars

UnrankedSmurfs has a proud history of providing quality accounts and excellent service. We have over 5000 verified reviews and are rated 5 stars.

Product Description

This particular account is a Masters-ranked account, including champions used for the leveling process. Each account comes with the following quality assurances:

  • 30+ random Champions that were used for leveling and ranking
  • Masters Rank with all placement games played
  • Eligible for ranked queue instantly
  • Accounts have neutral and easy-to-remember names
  • Lifetime Warranty & Instant Delivery
  • Not botted, 100% hand-leveled and ranked by our account creation experts

Who can you duo with on a Masters account?

On your newly purchased Masters account, duo queuing is not an option due to competitive integrity at this high level of play. Instead, players in this elite pool may attempt to queue snipe during off-peak hours to play in the same games as friends.

Why do people buy Masters smurf accounts?

Buying a Masters account places you among the elite 0.18% of League of Legends players, right into the realm of the most competitive and high ELO gameplay. Masters is the gateway to Grand-Master and Challenger tiers, where you can make your mark in the community or even the professional scene. Expect to face some of the best players and be tested by top-tier competition.

These accounts offer a chance for those who feel stuck in High Platinum or Diamond to prove their skills against the game's finest. You'll find more competent teammates, and the skill gap won't be overwhelming, presenting an excellent learning opportunity from high-caliber players.

Stuck in elo hell?

If you feel confined by the rank of High Platinum or Diamond, a Masters account offers a chance to test your mettle against premier players, with the potential for significant skill improvement through high-level play.

Cheap = Botted

If you're still on the fence about our service and are exploring other options, please proceed with caution. Cheaper accounts may exist, but it's vital to consider how they're created and why their prices are so low. Such accounts are typically generated by bots using scripting programs, leading to a high risk of being flagged by Riot's detection system and subsequent bans, which is why few providers offer insurance or money-back guarantees.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Average Customer Ratings
Overall Rating
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Account Quality
Number of Reviews 8502
Posted 1 day ago
Great team
Posted 6 days ago
Great place to buy a smurf account, or account with a rare skin you've been looking for
james J****
Posted 1 week ago
Quick and accounts are solid
Morten Sch****
Posted 2 weeks ago
Super easy, and VERY fast and friendly customer service. - Live chat is super fast, and instant in helping you. Besides that, the prices are just way better, and option for 40.000 BE while still hand levelled.