Welcome to the Vladimir skins library page! With 13 skins available, the Crimson Reaper has taken on forms ranging from a regal vampire lord to a supernatural sea captain. His newest skin, {newestVladimirskin}, ties him even closer to the secretive and sinister cabal of Noxus, embracing his dark elegance. Meanwhile, his first-ever skin, {oldestVladimirkin}, leaned into his aristocratic flair, dressing him as a noble of the night. Whether you prefer Vladimir as an all-powerful blood mage, a demonic overlord, or a cursed naval wraith, his skins highlight his ominous and charismatic nature.
Vladimir, the Crimson Reaper, is a master of hemomancy—the dark art of blood magic. A mysterious and ageless entity, he thrives on the life essence of others, manipulating his own vitality to drain his foes and regenerate his strength. With a thirst for power as insatiable as his need for blood, Vladimir’s influence stretches across Noxus, where he is both feared and revered.
In-game, Vladimir is a late-game powerhouse with high sustain and massive AoE damage. His Transfusion heals him while damaging enemies, and his Sanguine Pool allows him to become untargetable while draining foes beneath him. His ultimate, Hemoplague, infects enemies with a curse that amplifies damage before detonating in a burst of life-draining energy. If you enjoy playing a slippery, unkillable mage who scales into an unstoppable force, Vladimir is the perfect champion.
Fun fact: Unlike traditional vampires, Vladimir doesn’t suffer from typical weaknesses like sunlight or silver—his hemomancy is purely an arcane discipline rather than a supernatural curse.
Vladimir’s skins emphasize his commanding presence and mastery over blood magic, from the dark nobility of Blood Lord Vladimir to the nautical horror of Dark Waters Vladimir. Whether you want to strike fear into your enemies with his demonic Nightbringer form or rule the battlefield with his regal presence, each skin brings a unique touch to his bloodthirsty persona. Browse below to find the best Vladimir skin for your collection.
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Vladimir’s skins blend aristocratic elegance with supernatural terror, making him one of the most stylish champions in League. Here are the top three skins that stand out for their immersive designs, animations, and effects.