Undertaker Yorick Skin Information And Accounts

Undertaker Yorick Lol Skin

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Undertaker Yorick Skin Information

Availability Available
Price 520 RP
Concept Yorick as an unusual Gravedigger
Model New model changes
Particles No new particles
Animations No new animations
Sounds New song when he dances
Rarity common
Release date 21/06/2011

For only 520 RP, Undertaker Yorick is a must-have skin, and we’re not just saying that. This is genuinely a fantastic purchase, especially when you take into account the absurdly low price tag.

First, let us discuss Undertaker Yoricks most striking features, of which there are plenty;

The tombstone Yorick lugs around with him is carved into a large skull, just in case you weren’t sufficiently intimidated by his Mist Walkers or his mask.

The mask itself reminds us a little of an ice hockey mask, and I’ve seen enough horror films to know that anyone wearing one outside of the rink is up to murderous stuff. Not that we need any further proof that Yorick is a creepy dude. The dark iron lantern that he wears like a necklace is enough of a giveaway.

His shovel is a little creepier too, as the edges seem to have been sharpened and shaped into an axe. While it can still dig a good grave, it now doubles as a tool for creating fodder to fill it.

His outfit is quite a bright purple and comes dangerously close to being over the top. However, combined with the more macabre elements of Undertaker Yorick, it instead serves to accentuate them by offering a colourful counterpoint.

His splash art has the same feel as such skins as Iron Inquisitor Kayle and Cursed Revenant Nocturne, and it’s probably one of our favourite styles.

Yorick dominates the image, shoving a zombie back into its grave as it struggles to rise. The hem of his coat dissipates in tentacles of black smoke that seem to crawl toward the various headstones that litter the graveyard.

The edges of the image are drawn in black and white and have a weathered look to them; however toward the centre of the image, it’s in full colour. We get the impression that the centre of the image has had the artifice burned away, allowing us to see Yorick in a new light, as he really is.

The splash art gets a 10/10 from us, and given how cheap Undertaker Yorick is, the in-game model has to get an 11/10.

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