Stinger Akali Skin Information And Accounts

Stinger Akali Lol Skin

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Stinger Akali Skin Information

Availability Not Available In Store, Legacy Vault
Price 520 RP
Concept Akali in a ninja-style yellow suit
Model New model changes both for Akali and kamas
Particles No new particles
Animations No new aminations
Sounds No new sounds
Rarity common
Release date 10/07/2022
Stinger Akali artwork

Overview of the skin

Stinger Akali is fairly old skin but still gives a sharp look to Akali. Stinger Akali is yellowish and brings a new suit. Her outfit is a refrence to a classic Mortal Combat character "Scorpion". There are no new animations that come with the skin but the details such as a new mask and blades make the skin attractive for summoners. The skins also do not have a new sound, video effects, and no new particles. However, there are a lot of new model changes that can be noticed easily.

Stinger Akali in-game images

Stinger Akali in game 1 Stinger Akali in game 2 Stinger Akali in game 3

How much is Stinger Akali worth? Is it rare?

Stinger Akali is fairly rare skin as it is a legacy skin. This means that it is not for sale at the official store. When it was available at the store, Stinger Akali’s price was 520 RP. But since no one can buy it at this price and the skin is fairly rare, the worthiness of the skin may change.

How can you get the Stinger Akali?

You can buy the skin directly from the secondary markets. It is not possible to buy the skin and transfer it to your Riot account, but you can buy accounts that have the Stinger Akali skin in a safe way.

Can you get Stinger Akali from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

Stinger Akali is a retired legacy skin that does not cost less than 520 RP. This means you can obtain it through Hextech Crafting or Mystery Gift. Yet, obtaining it through these is not easy, so buying it can be a better option.

BUY Stinger Akali Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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