Infiltrator Irelia Skin Information And Accounts

Infiltrator Irelia Lol Skin

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Infiltrator Irelia Skin Information

Availability Not available in store
Price 975 RP
Concept Irelia as a stealthy thief
Model New blade design
Particles Blue lightning particles
Animations No new animations
Sounds New sound effects on blade surge
Rarity common
Release date 10/10/2011

The information provided by Riot in the skin's bio is a little vague:

"Using technologically superior cracking devices and high-light blades, Irelia's nefarious activity is surprisingly hard to follow. She's responsible for a string of heists and high-profile espionage missions"

But it definitely fits her ever-dashing personality.

What we ultimately care about is that the skin is incredible, and may be considered one of the best Irelia skins. It's comparable to the more expensive models, such as Divine Sword Irelia, despite costing only 975 RP! (or at least it used to)

Visually, we've got an awful lot to unpack. In a great short, it seems to be an upgrade of Nightblade Irelia skin. The color palette is visibly lighter, and some elements make us think of Lotus Irelia. The resemblance is hard to ignore.

Let's start with the black bandit mask; It's a minor detail but adds a boatload of personality to the skin – Despite being called a ‘bandit mask' It makes her strongly resemble a superhero.

That being said, her name is “Infiltrator Irelia” which probably means she's doing illegal stuff – given that she's infiltrating places.

She's also donned a skin-tight leather suit, and has dyed her hair a deep magenta – which goes well with her scimitar-shaped blades that have been recolored an ombre pink and purple.

When it comes to abilities, Riot has given us a treat; Whenever Irelia triggers Ionian Fervor, her form produces crackles of static electricity, and her blades light up to a dazzling blue. Again, not a major change, but it looks pretty impressive!

She also seems to have received a slight tweak to the sound and visual effects of blade surge, making it a little more futuristic. We think that this is one of the best – if not the best – Irelia skin and we definitely recommend it to you.

 Despite no longer being available in the Riot store, there are still plenty of rarer skins out there. You can find many of those skins in the Unrankedsmurfs account store!


Originally it was released into League of Legends servers back in October of 2011, this skin is unfortunately sealed away in the Legacy Vault.

It's not the only Irelia skin we can find there though. She waits for its opening together with her buddy, IG Irelia. On the bright side, both of them can still be obtained from our account store!


Hextech crafting can be used to obtain Infiltrator Irelia. It can also be earned through the opening of mystery gifts. However, the chances of receiving it are extremely limited; thus, it is best to get it through secondary markets.

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Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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