Earnest Elf Tristana Skin Information And Accounts

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Earnest Elf Tristana Skin Information

Availability Available in store only during Snowdown Showdown
Price 520 RP
Concept Tristana dressed as Santa's Elf
Model Minor changes to Tristana's and Boomer's models
Particles No new particles.
Animations No new animations.
Sounds No new sounds
Rarity common
Release date 31/12/2009

Skin Overview

Skin History

Earnest Elf Tristana is one of the oldest skins in League of Legneds along with Workshop Nunu and other skins released during the first Snowdown Showdown event. It was released shortly after the game's full release on 27 October 2009. As a matter of fact, it was really unsightly for quite some time. Finally, in 2015 Tristana received a full visual and gameplay overhaul. Here is a side-by-side comparison of old and new Earnest Elf Tristana.

Earnest Elf Tristana side-by-side comparison old and new

Skin Review

In this release, Tristana and her cannon, Boomer, get a new model. A snowy ring can be seen at the end of the barrel of Boomer, and he is adorned with holiday garlands. Tristana is decked out in a traditional Christmas green outfit, complete with a Santa hat and an earring made from the mistletoe fruit she's hiding behind her ear.

And with Boomer there to back her up, we do not doubt that Tristana is one of Santa's most devoted elves.

Overall we rate this as one of the worst skins for Tristana. Some skins from the same edition received much better visual updates.

Skinline information

Since Earnest Elf Tristana is a legacy skin, you can't freely purchase it any time of the year. It's part of the themed skin line that you can buy only at a specific time of the year. This particular skin is part of the Snowdown Showdown event. You can purchase it only during the last patch of the year, which usually starts around the 2nd or 3rd week of December.

Skin Name In-game Images

Earnest Elf Tristana in-game front Earnest Elf Tristana front back and side in-game

How much is Earnest Elf Tristana worth? Is it rare?

Earnest Elf Tristana is not rare. It’s a common skin with a low price tag attached to it. The only rare part about it is the fact you can buy it only during the last 2-3 weeks of the year during the Snowdown Showdown event.

How can you get Earnest Elf Tristana?

You can get this skin in the League of Legends store during the Snowdown Showdown event for 520RP.

Can you get Earnest Elf Tristana from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

You can get Earnest Elf Tristana from Hextech loot and a Mystery gift if you are lucky enough. The odds are 0.01% or lower, so if you want the skin right now, check our high-end skins store.

BUY Earnest Elf Tristana Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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