Dunkmaster Darius Skin Information And Accounts

Dunkmaster Darius Lol Skin

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Dunkmaster Darius Skin Information

Availability Available
Price 1820 RP
Concept Darius as a basketball pro
Model New model changes, including a basketball hoop as a weapon
Particles New fiery particles for abilities
Animations New recall, taunt and joke animations
Sounds New sound effects on autoattacks, abilities and quotes
Rarity common
Release date 12/10/2014

Released back in October of 2014, Dunkmaster Darius can be found at the top of many “best lol skins” lists – and it’s plain to see why! For only 1820 RP, you get new particles for his abilities and auto-attacks, along with new sounds for his abilities, new quotes, and much more!

Before we get into the really juicy stuff, let’s take a look at the visuals that make this skin stand out from the rest! Dunkmaster Darius is something that fans have been asking for since Darius hit the rift – having a Basketball player who ends his enemies with a dunk is the epitome of grand skin ideas.

 Dunkmaster Darius is seen rocking a red basketball Jersey with the word “Noxus” emblazoned upon it, this also leaves his arms free – allowing us to catch a glimpse of his bulging arms, both of which are covered in sleeve tattoos.

His axe has been swapped out for a basketball hoop, which has clearly been torn clean from the ground.

Our favourite executioner has also received a full audio rework, and we’re not just talking voice lines either – although he’s got plenty of those!

Whenever an enemy is ready to be ulted, a time-out buzzer sounds and a flaming hoop appears over Darius’ victims head. He then dunks a basketball into the hoop, and down onto his poor opponent.

 For those with keen ears, you might also notice the tune of an extremely popular song that plays whenever Darius uses his “Crippling Strike” ability. It goes a little something like this;

“Stomp stomp clap, stomp stomp clap, stomp stomp clap.”

Granted, you can’t really read a beat, but this is probably one of the most recognizable melodies out there – It’s the beat from Queens hit song “We will rock you” which is pretty fitting for such a sport as basketball, given all the rhythmic bouncing of the ball.

Speaking of which, ball tricks and dribbling plays a big part in most of Darius’ emotes!

Honestly, there’s little else we can say about this skin other than; buy it. Seriously, it’s one purchase that you’ll never forget!

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