Dark Star Orianna Skin Information And Accounts

Dark Star Orianna Lol Skin

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Dark Star Orianna Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 1350 RP
Concept Born out of the remnants of a magnificently advanced system, Orianna serves the Dark Star with meticulous precision
Model New model
Particles New particles on her abilities and auto attacks
Animations New animations, new recall animation
Sounds New sound effects
Rarity common
Release date 04/05/2017

Dark Star Orianna is a sight to behold, a celestial entity whose existence bends the cosmos itself. This skin takes Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork, and recasts her as a cosmic harbinger, embodying the terrifying beauty of a sentient black hole that toys with the laws of space and time.

Her metallic, mechanized structure is replaced with a dark, swirling vortex of cosmic energy, resembling an abyss that engulfs stars and planets in its path. Around her, tiny celestial bodies and star clusters orbit, serving as chilling reminders of her gravitational power. Orianna's companion, typically a mechanical ball, is transformed into an astral sphere pulsating with dark matter seemingly containing a little galaxy.

Her abilities portray the merciless, destructive nature of her new cosmic persona. With her Q - Command: Attack, she hurls her cosmic sphere distorting the fabric of the cosmos and leaving a trail of inky blackness. Her W - Command: Dissonance explodes with a supernova's intensity, slowing her foes in a dark swirl of cosmic energy. E - Command: Protect throws a protective shell of cosmic energy around an ally, shielding them from harm. Finally, her R - Command: Shockwave becomes a black hole's event horizon, pulling in enemies to a point of no return.

Dark Star Orianna gives players the unique opportunity to control a being that personifies the unfeeling void of the cosmos. She symbolizes the paradox of terrifying beauty, her cold, spectral glow reflecting off the bodies of stars caught in her orbit

Skin History

Like all of Orianna’s skins, this one went through a visual makeover back in 2022.

Dark Star Skinline information

The Dark Star skin line in League of Legends reimagines champions as cosmic horrors or entities of destructive celestial power. These skins feature otherworldly designs, characterized by dark cosmic color schemes, primarily deep purples, blues, and blacks, and star-like particles. Champions in this skin line showcase new animations with a space-themed aesthetic, such as black holes, cosmic rays, and starlight. Dark Star brings an imposing, celestial ambiance to the Rift, transforming champions into awe-inspiring avatars of cosmic destruction.

The skinline includes the following:

  • Dark Star Cho’Gath
  • Dark Star Shaco
  • Dark Star Karma
  • Dark Star Malphite (and the prestige counterpart)
  • Dark Star Jarvan IV
  • Dark Star Orianna
  • Dark Star Morderkaiser
  • Dark Cosmic Lux
  • Dark Cosmic Jhin
  • Dark Star Xerath
  • Dark Star Kha’Zix
  • Dark Cosmic Lissandra
  • Dark Star Thresh

Dark Star Orianna In-game Images (Chromas Included)

Dark Star Orianna front in-game
Dark Star Orianna Back and profile in-game
Dark Star Orianna Auto attack animation
Dark Star Orianna Q animation
Dark Star Orianna W Animation
Dark Star Orianna E Animation
Dark Star Orianna R Animation
Dark Star Orianna Emotes and recall animation
Dark Star Orianna Chromas

How much is Dark Star Orianna worth? Is it rare?

Although the price in the store is not the lowest, it is still considered to be a common skin, as in contrary to many rare skins, it can be simply purchased in the game store.

How can you get Dark Star Orianna?

You can either purchase it from the shop or get it from a Hextech Crafting/Mystery Gift. Another way is to get an account with this skin already.

Can you get Dark Star Orianna from Hextech or Mystery Gift?

As mentioned earlier, yes, you can get Dark Star Orianna in a Hextech chest or through a Mystery Gift. However, keep in mind that the odds of getting a specific skin you want in a chest are very low unless you own most of the skins in the game already. You can already get an account with this skin in our shop.

BUY Dark Star Orianna Skin

Legacy skins are still obtainable thanks to our high end account store which features League of Legends accounts with the rarest skins at the best prices.

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