Black Scourge Singed Skin Information And Accounts

Black Scourge Singed Lol Skin

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Black Scourge Singed Skin Information

Availability Available
Price 750 RP
Concept Singed as a Plague Doctor
Model New model changes
Particles No new particles
Animations No new animations
Sounds No new sound effects
Rarity common
Release date 04/05/2016

Black Scourge sees the Mad Chemist wearing the porcelain mask of a Plague Doctor. His shield also has a porcelain mask mounted upon it, and it might actually be an item you’ve seen before;

Liandry’s Torment is known for weeping blood, although it could simply be a coincidence, the face on this shield looks a lot like it. The three golden points also lead us to believe that this may have been inspired by Leona’s shield, however, Upon closer inspection, it seems likely that this isn’t a shield at all.

It seems to fit perfectly onto the coffin that Black Scourge carries around with him – that’s right, he’s got a coffin.

And as we mentioned, he seems to be wielding the lid as a shield, so you might ask “what’s inside the coffin? “

A mummy, is the answer. A leather strap holds it in place, and it has a hole torn out where its mouth would be. It appears that Black Scourge Singed’s Poison Trail is spewing from the mummies mouth.

This might be a nice real-world reference – if you aren’t familiar with the black death, here’s what we mean;

Back when the bubonic plague was killing everyone, Plague Doctors would go around attempting to care for plague victims and disposing of the dead. Unfortunately, their treatments were a bit ghastly.

Usually, they’d slice into people so that the ‘bad blood’ could be released. In fact, some of them did more harm than good. If you’re curious about these menacing medical practitioners, you can discover more about them here.

What does this have to do with LoL though? Well, as we mentioned, Black Scourge Singed runs around with this mummy on his back, which is, in fact, harming people. This is similar to the way actual Plague Doctors worked, and although it might not be intentional, we’re glad they included it.

Visually, Black Scourge Singed wears a gold-trimmed coat and carries a syringe in one hand, adding to the “doctor” feel of the skin. However, we do feel that Riot missed an opportunity.

Simply changing the particles of his Poison Trail from Green to a murky brown would have upped the value of it in our opinion. What’s the bottom line though?

This is an excellent addition to any Singed players collection. It doesn’t have any major changes, but the few that it does have definitely justify the 750 RP price tag.

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