Bandit Sivir Skin Information And Accounts

Bandit Sivir Lol Skin

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Bandit Sivir Skin Information

Availability Available in store
Price 750 RP
Concept Sivir as a battle hardened bandit
Model New model
Particles New particles for Boomerang Blade, Ricochet and auto-attacks
Animations No new animations
Sounds No new sound effects
Rarity common
Release date 21/03/2011

Bandit Sivir hit the League of Legends store back in March of 2011, which explains a lot. This isn’t a bad skin, after all it does offer some much-needed changes. Plus, it only costs 750 RP, which is nothing to scoff at.

The splash art is impressive, and not because of its revolutionary style. Usually, Riot has a habit of placing their Champions in as little clothing as possible, even in arctic climates – just look at Snow Bunny Nidalee! Surprisingly enough though, that’s not the case with Bandit Sivir.

Although she’s barely able to squeeze into the tight pants she wears, her outfit fairly conservative. That being said, a thick winter coat wouldn’t go amiss; maybe the chill breeze is the reason for the stern look on her face.

We do think there’s something slightly off about the face, although perhaps we’re mistaken? There’s definitely something off with the boots though.

Those tiny metal studs won’t work as armor, since they’re far too small. Not to mention that they’d weigh her down. It seems almost as though they were designed to simply look good, which is not normally what a warrior would concern themselves with. That being said, this is a game, and she does look pretty fancy.

Behind Bandit Sivir stands some form of ruined cathedral, along with a jagged rocky landscape that’s blanketed in snow. Overall, this is an effective piece that falls ever so slightly below the mark. The in-game version of Bandit Sivir, however, is top-notch.

The first thing you’ll notice is the striking cross blade. Each point has a vicious curve to it, in addition to being studded with what looks like Citrines. You’ll also find these gemstones in her armour, which helps give a touch of elegance to the skin. This blade might also be inspired by Krull, a film which also features bandits!

Her armor is a simple faded crimson, with elements of fur and metal. In summary, this is a decent skin that could have been elevated to excellence with just a few changes. Still, if you’re a fan of Sivir, then Bandit Sivir is one you’ll want to add to your collection!

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