Except in the rare case that the Hexakill gamemode makes a comeback, Pentakills will remain as the flashiest highlights in League of Legends performance. It’s a little confusing to check how many you’ve had over your career, though. The League of Legends client doesn’t really have any clear, concise way to check your statistics on multikills, so here’s a bit of info on Pentakills, and a few ways for you to check your multikill records.
How to See How Many Pentakills You Have
- Challenges
Firstly, you can check your Challenges in either
op.gg or your League client.
ARAM Eradication in the Imagination tab shows how many Pentakills you've had in ARAM.
Double Decimation, also in the Imagination tab, shows how many ARAM games you've had where you've had two Pentakills.
Same Penta, Different Champ, from the Expertise tab, shows Pentakills with different champions.
Decimator, also from the Expertise tab, shows games where you've had two Pentakills in the same game.
PENTAKIIIIIIIIL!!, under Veterancy, showcases how many Pentakills you've had in Summoner's Rift so far.
You may also see some seasonal Pentakill challenges as well, which count how many pentas you've had that specific year or season.
- yearin.lol
If you just want to quickly check how many Pentakills you've had in your career, yearin.lol does that automatically for you. Just punch in your handle and look at your stats! There’s a plethora of other neat numbers you can look at as well.
Getting More Pentakills
You may be a little underwhelmed by the number you see. The question is, how do you get more Pentakills? It’s not like you can just keep forcing teamfights to try and cheese them.
You can obviously get a Pentakill by getting 5 kills in quick succession. To be specific, you'll chain multikills as long as you kill champions less than 10 seconds apart from eachother. When going from a Quadra Kill to a Pentakill, you'll get 30 seconds instead. However, if you're banking on chasing down that last person with those 30 seconds, you're probably going the wrong way about it if you're trying to get more Pentakills.
If you want to get more pentas, you may want to stick to champions that utilize "resets": Abilities that have their cooldowns refreshed, or their durations extended, when you get a takedown or kill.
You can, instead, play more champions with massive AoE burst or damage over time.
Samira's pretty much set up from design to be THE Pentakill champion. She sports massive AoE damage on her ultimate, resets on her dash on takedowns, and no cooldown on her ultimate as long as she can hit S rank on it. Unsuprisingly, she sits at the most Pentakills per match currently, at 0.018. Katarina sits at second place due to her passive granting her entire kit cooldown resets on takedown. Master Yi sits in third at 0.0074, due to his ult extension on takedowns.
Unsurprisingly, you're going to want to avoid playing enchanters or tank supports if you want more Pentakills. Regardless, everybody actually has a way higher likelihood for pentas, and multikills in general, in the ARAM gamemode.
Higher than a Pentakill
Did you know there used to be a multikill higher than Pentakill? And no, I’m not talking about Hexakills. Although “Hexakill” is a way cooler name for these, in the past, you were able to get a “Legendary Kill” if you killed another champion under 10 seconds after you get a Pentakill.
The removal of Legendary Kills from the game is undocumented, but it’s way more recent than you’d think. Latest ones place the removal at around 2015. It’s no coincidence that they’d be removed a little bit after the Revive summoner spell was removed, since it was pretty much the only thing that made Legendary Kills happen at all. It’s a pretty difficult setup to somehow kill 5 people in a teamfight in a perfectly spaced out timing, so that the first person you killed will be reviving at around the time you kill the fifth enemy champion. Perhaps Akshan’s W passive would have made them more likely to happen, but Pentakills arre rare enough as is.
Wild Rift actually still has Legendary Kills, as you can see here. They even have a special banner, which they didn’t have in the original League of Legends version.
No Pentakills? Who Cares?
Even if you're low on the pentakill count, you shouldn't feel bad about yourself. Pentakills aren't much of a metric of your personal skill in the game, as much as they are a metric about what kind of champions you play. A higher amount of pentakills simply means you play more snowball-focused and teamfight-focused champions, nothing more.