
New Ranked System Impact on LoL Season 13 Placements

Alistar Smyth

1 st  August 2023 Edited at: 7th May 2024
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The winds of change are blowing over the Fields of Justice. Riot Games has unveiled a dramatic rework of the ranked system for the ongoing Season 13 Split 2 of League of Legends. Of particular interest is the advent of the Emerald Tier and its role in recalibrating the rank distribution. Here's what it means for your placement.

An essential factor to digest is that the ELO landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. Currently, a high Silver 1 player might feel comfortable knowing they're on the brink of hitting Gold. However, with Riot's planned restructuring, that very player could find themselves in low Platinum next split. This [graph of the new distribution filled with old ranks](r/leagueoflegends - Where will Riots new rank distribution put you?new distribution filled with old ranks) provides a visual representation of the transition.

To clarify, these alterations are not random but designed to deliver a better-reflecting competitive environment. The showcases the state of play now,

Previous ranked system before Season 13 split 2

while the second graph illustrates Riot's desired reorganization.

Previous ranked system after Season 13 split 2

The new system notably impacts players currently in Bronze or Silver. With the redistribution of ranks, you are likely to land in a significantly higher tier closer to Silver/Gold than to Bronze/Silver. The competitive environment is being recalibrated, acknowledging the evolution in skill levels in these tiers over time.

The Emerald Tier is central to this reshaping, strategically inserted between Platinum and Diamond. It serves as a bridge, mitigating the steep climb from Platinum to Diamond. It is not here to displace the Diamond rank but to better distribute players and mitigate that intense difficulty spike.

Remember, these are not shifts in the ELO value but redistributions. Your skill level is still what determines your advancement, and this reconfiguration should make that advancement more representative. This projection doesn't consider potential skill improvement or regression. It's a statistical forecast based on Riot's outlined changes.

Here is a showcase how the new ranks will look with population of old ones stacked on top

Comparison of old and new ranks distribution lol season 13 split 2

The Summoner's Rift as we know it is evolving. The introduction of the Emerald Tier and the reshuffling of rank distribution will undoubtedly cause shifts in placements, but this shift is aimed at improving the competitive integrity of the game. Riot Games is essentially flattening the ELO curve, ensuring that your rank better matches your true skill level.

Prepare to recalibrate your understanding of the game's ranking structure, summoners. This evolution brings an exciting opportunity to redefine your League of Legends legacy. The new era is here, and it's Emerald.

Are you looking for a fresh start on the battlefield? Whether you want to climb the ladder from scratch or jump right into the action, unranked and ranked LoL accounts are available for purchase. Embrace this new era and rise to the occasion. Game on!

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Alistar Smyth

Content Writer
With over two years in Challenger Alistar now spends his queue time writing League of Legends content to help people improve.

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