
How to use new pings in League of Legends

Alistar Smyth

10 th  May 2022 Edited at: 1st October 2024
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Communication is key, and it’s what sets apart true masters of the game from mere casuals. Even though it’s a strategy game, as of 2024, League of Legends doesn’t have a voice chat yet, but the tests in China are promising. If you are reading this in the future, perhaps you are already enjoying it in your solo queue games.

As of now (and probably in the future), pinging will be key to effective communication. Back in the old days, you could only use the basic blue ping with alt + click or G + click. For a long time, players fantasized about a true ping wheel, like in almost any other team game. From the inception of the game, players dreamed of something like the ping system below. It took Riot about six years to finally add it to the game, albeit in a slightly different form. But you came here to read about the newest ping changes, right? Let’s explore the new League of Legends ping systems in chronological order—there have been quite a few changes.

ping wheel concept season 2 current ping wheel

On the left you can see a players ping wheel concept from Season 2 and on the right a version from official 2023 ping rework.

Understanding different Types of LoL Pings

Due to many recent and overdue updates you can now ping almost anything. From the basic ping which looks like this:

Up to more nuanced pings that communicate certain ideas such as Enemy Vision is here or Vision cleared.

There are three primary categories of pings in League of Legends: regular pings, smart pings, and HUD-related pings (which include cooldown, resource, and item pings).

  • Regular Pings: These include the:
      generic ping
    • Generic ping, which is used to draw attention to a specific location

    • caution ping
    • Caution ping, which warns teammates of potential danger. These basic pings are straightforward but vital for alerting your team to threats or objectives.
    • If you use generic pings on a target such as an enemy champion or enemy turret it will put a crosshair on them and inform your teammates to target it.
  • Smart Pings: Smart pings offer a more detailed way of communicating with your team, including eight distinct options:
      retreat ping
    • Retreat: Signals teammates to fall back from a potentially dangerous situation.
    • push ping
    • Push: Directs your team to advance on an objective or clear minion waves.

    • on my way ping
    • On My Way: Lets teammates know you are moving toward a specific area to assist.
    • all in ping
    • All-In: Communicates intent to fully engage in a fight.

    • assist me ping
    • Assist Me: Calls for help, whether securing an objective, warding, or setting up a fight.
    • need vision ping
    • Need Vision: Requests that wards be placed to gain map control and vision.
    • enemy missing ping
    • Enemy Missing: Warns that an enemy has disappeared from lane, possibly roaming.
    • enemy vision ping
    • Enemy Vision: Informs your team that the enemy has placed wards in a specific area.
  • pings on minimap
  • HUD-Related Pings: HUD-related pings are a versatile way to share vital information, such as ability cooldowns, health, mana, and gold status. By pressing Alt + Left Click or G + Click on various parts of the HUD, you can ping almost anything to communicate your current situation. Most of those pings are shared in the in-game chat. This includes:
    • Cooldown Pings: You can ping your own abilities by pressing the ability icon or your teammate’s ultimates, summoner spells, or even cooldowns. This helps the team know when key abilities, like Flash or Ultimate, are ready or still on cooldown. You can also ping your allies' portraits to indicate their status, such as if they are already alive or are respawning soon.
    • Resource Pings (Health, Mana, Experience): By clicking on your health, mana, or experience bar in the HUD, you can notify teammates of your current resource levels. For example, if you’re low on mana, pinging your Mana bar can signal to your team that you might not be able to contribute effectively in the next fight. Similarly, experience pings can show teammates how close you are to leveling up, which can influence decisions around engaging or retreating.
    • Item and Gold Pings: You can also ping how much gold you need to purchase an item by clicking on the item in your shop. This helps inform your team when you're close to a power spike or when you need assistance stalling to collect the required gold. Pinging an item or gold amount provides transparency to your team about your current state in the game and lets them adjust strategies accordingly.
    • Ward Timers for Enemy Wards: Another vital aspect of communication is the ward timers. When an enemy ward is spotted and either attacked or pinged (with a Generic ping or Enemy Vision ping), a ward timer will appear, indicating how much time remains until the ward expires.

HUD-related pings give players the ability to communicate nearly anything from their user interface, creating a fluid and responsive method of keeping teammates informed. Mastering these pings allows for precise coordination, from ability readiness to health and mana management, and even ensuring vision control, helping the team make smarter decisions in the heat of battle.

Accessing Smart Ping Menu

To access smart pings, hold down G or V, which brings up the radial wheel. By dragging your mouse in the direction of the desired ping, you can quickly select the appropriate signal. This system allows players to convey a wide range of strategic information without needing to type or speak, keeping the focus on gameplay.

While the smart pings are pre-set to specific commands, they can also be customized through in-game settings, allowing players to prioritize the pings they use most often. This customization enables faster and more efficient communication, as players can tailor their ping wheel to fit their personal playstyle and strategic needs.

Using Hud / Resources and Neutral Objectives pings

HUD pings enable players to share specific information about their champion’s current state, items, or resources. By pressing Alt + Left Click on various elements of the HUD, players can quickly relay important information to their team.

    chat lol
  • Ability Cooldowns: You can ping the status of your abilities or summoner spells, such as Flash or Ultimate, by clicking on them in the HUD. This lets your team know whether you’re ready to engage or need more time for your key abilities to come off cooldown. You can also ping your allies' portraits to communicate the cooldown status of their abilities, ensuring everyone is aware of who can contribute to the next fight or objective.
  • Resource Pings (Health, Mana, Experience): If you’re low on health or mana, you can quickly ping your Health or Mana bars to notify your team. This is especially useful when deciding whether to engage or retreat, as your teammates will understand if you're not in a position to fight. Additionally, you can ping your Experience Bar to show your team how close you are to leveling up, which can be a game-changer in upcoming fights. This keeps everyone informed of your readiness to engage.
  • Item and Gold Pings: You can ping specific items in your inventory or in the shop to let your team know how much gold you need to complete a key item. This is helpful when asking for your team to stall or avoid engagements until you reach a power spike. For example, if you’re only 200 gold away from finishing a crucial item, a quick ping lets your teammates know that waiting a little longer will give you a big advantage in the next fight.
  • Ward Timer Pings: When you or an ally attack or Generic ping an enemy ward, a Ward Timer appears, showing the remaining duration of the enemy ward. You can use this feature by pinging the ward location with Alt + Left Click or G + Left Click or by attacking it. This is especially helpful for coordinating with your team about when the enemy’s vision will expire, allowing you to set up for objectives or ambushes when the enemy's map awareness diminishes. If the ward was placed recently and attacked or pinged within 10 seconds, the timer will show its full duration.

Why Riot Games removed Bait ping and added ping restrictions

riot auberaun

In one of the more memorable moments of a developer experiencing the same frustrations as the player base, Riot Auberaun found themselves in the middle of a ranked solo/duo match with a less-than-ideal scoreline of 3/10. The game quickly spiraled into a nightmare, not just due to gameplay but from relentless harassment via pings. Teammates, upset with the game’s progress, spammed the "Karthus - Alive" ping, highlighting Auberaun’s respawns with toxic intent. This passive-aggressive form of communication, combined with general frustration, resulted in constant tilting for the team.

This incident wasn’t isolated. Many players had long been using pings, especially the Bait Ping, to mock and insult their teammates, often near fallen allies to send messages of defeat. The frustration reached a tipping point in that ranked game, motivating Riot Auberaun to push for changes to the ping system to prevent it from being used in toxic ways.

Patch V13.19 (September 27, 2023) was the start of this effort, bringing several changes aimed at reducing the misuse of pings:

  • Scoreboard Pings for Allies: Pings related to allies now display only to the player who used them. This change means that allied pings like "Karthus - Alive" are no longer visible to the whole team, removing the tool for toxic spamming. Enemy and neutral pings, however, remain unchanged and visible to all.
  • Self-Only Pings for Allied Info: HUD-related pings for allied portraits, levels, ultimate cooldowns, primary and secondary rune trees, summoner spells, and item slots now show only to the player who pinged them. These pings are marked as [Self] in the chat, helping players keep track of their own status without using pings as a form of harassment.
  • Ping Restriction Timer: The ping restriction timer was tweaked from 6/12/16/20/24 seconds to 5/15/30/60/120 seconds, slightly increasing the time penalty for spamming pings excessively.

Despite these improvements, more adjustments were needed. With the release of Patch V13.20 (October 11, 2023), further refinements were made:

  • Party-Only Scoreboard Pings: Allied scoreboard pings now show only to your premade party, and any scoreboard pings after a champion takedown are visible to your entire team for 10 seconds, keeping crucial communication visible during key moments.
  • bait ping
  • Bait Ping Removed: One of the most notable changes, the Bait Ping was removed entirely. Its misuse had become rampant, with players often using it to harass or mock their teammates, especially when things went wrong. Riot replaced it with the more strategically useful Enemy Vision Ping.
  • hold ping
  • Hold Ping Replaced: The Hold Ping was replaced with the Need Vision Ping, allowing players to request vision in areas where they lack map coverage.
  • vision cleared ping
  • Vision Cleared Ping and Wheel Removed: To further streamline the ping system, the Vision Cleared Ping and the entire Vision Ping Wheel were removed, simplifying the communication tools available.

These changes came directly from Riot’s efforts to reduce the negative impact pings could have on player interactions while still maintaining the system’s overall utility. Auberaun’s frustrating experience with spam pings was just one of many examples of how the system had been weaponized against teammates rather than used as intended. By implementing these updates, Riot shifted the focus back to tactical, non-toxic communication.

Auberaun’s painful experience became a meme and a source of frustration for many. While it did combat toxicity by ultimately muting the most common way of people to express their frustration it’s still there just in different form. The worst part are undocumented changes that heavily limited the amount of times you can ping and the penalty for spam pinging is much more severe.

If you want to read some drama we recommend this /r/ Draven post about this change.

Strategic Use of Pings

The strategic use of pings is essential for maintaining strong team coordination and map control. Pings are not just a way to communicate simple messages—they can provide critical information that enhances your team's overall awareness of the game.

  • Enhancing Map Awareness: Pings can alert your team to potential threats, such as missing enemies or incoming ganks. By pinging areas where you suspect enemy movements, your team can avoid dangerous situations and make better decisions.
  • Tracking Enemy Movements: Pinging the location of enemy champions, especially when they disappear from your vision, ensures that teammates stay alert and adjust their positioning accordingly. Enemy Missing pings can prevent ambushes or inform your team when a lane is vulnerable to an enemy roam.
  • Gaining an Advantage: Effective ping usage can give your team a significant edge in fights and objectives. For example, a well-timed On My Way ping before engaging in a skirmish lets teammates know when help is arriving. Similarly, Assist Me pings during crucial moments, like securing a Dragon or Baron, can quickly rally the team to a unified goal. When used properly, pings become a powerful tool for coordination, allowing teams to react faster and execute strategies more effectively.
go in lol

Mastering the use of pings ensures that everyone on the team stays informed, improving overall teamwork and creating opportunities to outmaneuver opponents. Whether you're calling for assistance or alerting allies to enemy positioning, strategic ping usage is a key factor in achieving victory.

How pings can win you games

One of the most common pieces of advice coaches give is to use pings effectively. A frequent scenario in League of Legends is someone dying, followed by the question, "Why didn’t you back? It was obvious danger was coming." Coaches often respond by saying, "If it was obvious, why didn’t you use the Danger ping on their location?" There’s rarely a good reason not to. If you see a threat, don’t hesitate to use the Danger ping—it’s a vital tool to communicate immediate danger to your teammates. If you don’t ping when a threat is imminent, perhaps it wasn’t as obvious as you thought. Foresight and quick communication with pings can prevent unnecessary deaths and poor engagements.

Another common mistake is failing to ping when an enemy champion goes missing—known in older League terms as an SS ping. If your lane opponent disappears into the fog of war, always spam the Missing ping. While even a Generic ping works, it’s much better to use the specific champion’s Missing ping to make it clear to your team who is missing. Even if you assume your lane opponent is recalling, you can never be 100% sure. And even if they are, they could just as easily be heading for a lane gank in another lane, like bot.

To summarize, smart pings enhance teamwork and prevent critical mistakes. Warn your teammates, keep them alert, and use pings as a tool to boost communication, it can really improve your gaming experience.

Ping Etiquette and Best Practices

While pings are an essential communication tool in League of Legends, knowing when and how to use them is just as important as the pings themselves. Proper ping etiquette ensures clear, effective communication without overwhelming your teammates.

One of the key rules is to avoid spamming pings during critical moments, especially when a teammate is in the middle of a clutch fight. Excessive pinging during these intense situations can be distracting, causing confusion and disrupting their focus. It’s best to trust your teammate’s abilities during these moments and save your pings for more appropriate times.

However, spam pinging can be useful in certain situations. If a teammate is not paying attention, selective pinging can help catch their focus. Pinging closer to their champion’s location (within 3000 units) will create a visual indicator on the edge of their screen, which is harder to miss than a ping that only appears on the minimap. This is particularly effective for reminding distracted teammates to take action.

If general pings don’t work, you can ping directly on a teammate’s champion icon or their exact location on the map. Pinging on a teammate’s location will trigger a louder sound, as the ping’s volume scales with proximity. This tactic is especially helpful when quick action is required, such as warning about an incoming gank or directing them toward an important objective.

When it comes to best practices, providing essential information without overwhelming your team is key. A well-timed ping can alert the team to a crucial event, but overloading your teammates with pings can lead to confusion or frustration.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake is overusing pings. When players spam pings too often, teammates can become desensitized, leading them to ignore pings altogether. This can be especially dangerous in moments when precise communication is critical. Another mistake is misusing pings. For example, using a Retreat ping when the team is preparing to engage in a fight can cause miscommunication, with some players backing off when they should be fighting. This can severely disrupt your team’s strategy and coordination.

Also it’s worth noting that pings have progressively longer cooldown each time you hit the ping limit. So if you keep spamming you might not have the ability to do so when you need it most. Remember the story about a boy who cried wolf?


Mastering the proper use of pings is crucial for success in League of Legends. By understanding the different types of pings and how to use them effectively, you can significantly improve your team’s communication and coordination. Use pings responsibly and avoid common mistakes to ensure that your signals are helpful, not harmful. Following these best practices will help you use pings as a powerful tool to secure objectives, coordinate teamfights, and ultimately achieve victory.

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Alistar Smyth

Content Writer
With over two years in Challenger Alistar now spends his queue time writing League of Legends content to help people improve.

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