If you are an avid fan of the most popular video game of all time, League of Legends, then the chances are you want your desktop wallpaper to be swag. League of Legends wallpapers aren’t hard to find but some are certainly better than others. We’ve found some beautiful League of Legends wallpapers for all types of situations and at different resolutions so sit back, relax and enjoy.
Most of us have a main role in League of Legends (except those in the fill position, shout out to you guys!) and we are proud of our role. We know the champions, mechanics and match ups for that lane like some people know the average temperature of Mars (it’s around -55 C by the way). To help you display your role here are five pretty sweet League of Legends wallpapers for the 5 main positions: Top, Jungle, Mid, ADC and Support.
Did you know that 1920x1080 is the most common resolution? It therefore makes sense that most League of Legends wallpapers are built for it. Unfortunately there are so many League of Legends wallpapers it can be difficult to find good ones. Here are some that we think are the coolest on the web but if you find one you think we’ve missed then post it in the comments or on social media and we’ll add it to the list.
We know that some of you out there have big monitors (bigger is better right?) and we don’t want to let you guys down. That’s why we’ve collected some awesome League of Legends wallpapers for 1440p. If we’ve missed a wallpaper you feel passionate about then let us know.
Here is a bonus album full of some really cool League of Legends wallpapers done in a unique style. These are definitely going to be our current wallpapers around the office and the bonus is that they are all in 1440p too!
Here is another bonus album of League of Legends wallpapers of each champion. This doesn’t contain every champion but it contains over 100!