League of Legends, unlike many online games, provides a clean slate and even playing field with regards to in-match gameplay. There is no pay to win feature, just player on the player skill that improves over time with practice and hard work.
This creates a highly competitive player versus player environment that is cultivated through the ranking system. It is not uncommon for players to have a primary account, as well as multiple smurf accounts, for various reasons. If you are curious about smurf accounts, how to acquire them, or simply just want to learn from I would urge you to take a look here: (Insert Link Here).
Luckily, there is no limitation cap on League of Legends accounts. You are able to create and play on as many accounts as your heart desires! In Fact, the vast majority of League of Legends players own multiple accounts, and smurfing is highly prevalent throughout all ranks and tiers.
Having multiple accounts on League of Legends can serve a number of purposes. Due to the competitive nature of the game, the main reason would be to allow you to play ranked games on an account that is not your primary. You may be interested in learning a new role, champion, or simply eager to test out a new strategy, and there would be no reason to do that on your main account and potentially jeopardize your precious LP!
Another reason for owning multiple League of Legends accounts is to allow you to play with your friends of various ranks. The current ranking system does allow duo queueing. However, you are limited as to which ranks can play with one another. I would urge you to check our ranked guide to see exactly who can play with who here: (Insert Link Here)
Additionally. Although this does not necessarily apply to everyone. Many well known high, ranked players, pros, and streamers often play on secretive secondary accounts to avoid being potentially targeted by stream snipers, griefers, or simply to test new strategies for competitive play. They do this without the general populace knowing who they are to allow themselves some privacy and much better quality games!
Smurfing is absolutely not against the rules, although there are some parameters when it comes to smurfing. I would absolutely recommend taking a look at our smurfing guide: (insert link here). This will shine a light on every aspect of smurfing via secondary accounts and provide you with all you need to know on the subject.
Realistically you have two options, either create your own fresh account. Which can take hundreds of hours and grinding to get it into a ranked-ready state. Or purchase a fresh account or pre-ranked account from various online sources.
Luckily for you, I have resources readily available that can shine a light on both of these topics!
Feel free to take a look at the quickest method to level an account guide here Or, if you are looking for the highest quality and safest smurf accounts on the market
Best of luck, summoners!