
Everything you need to know about autofill in LoL


17 th  December 2024 Edited at: 17th December 2024

Ah, Autofill. The ultimate russian roulette of the Solo Queue, where dreams of playing your main role are dashed in favor of an emergency stint as a Jungler...or, heaven forbid, Support.

This dreaded system is—whether we like it or not—designed to keep games running smoothly, but it’s a topic that’s inspired countless memes, rage quits, and 2000-word Ph.D papers on r/leagueoflegends.

Let’s dive into how Autofill works, why it’s actually necessary, and how you can effectively handle it when the matchmaking system eventually smites you.

How Autofill Works

heimerdinger in his workshop skin lol

At its core, Autofill is Riot Games’ answer to one of the biggest challenges in team-based matchmaking: keeping queue times short while ensuring fairness, gamplay integrity, and efficiency. League’s roles—Top lane, Jungle, Mid lane, ADC, and Support—aren’t equally loved by players. The reality is, some roles (*cough* support) don’t get nearly as many volunteers as others, leaving Riot with a logistical puzzle.

Enter Autofill. If too many players are queuing for the same popular positions (usually mid and ADC), the system steps in, nudging some players into less-popular roles to keep the game moving. Riot tries to make this as seamless as possible by offering Autofill Protection after you’ve been forcibly flexed, giving you a guaranteed reprieve in your next few games. But let’s face it, the first time it happens can feel like being benched from a championship game.

Why Autofill is Necessary

Let’s face it, not everyone’s lining up to play Support or Jungle, and that’s okay. But despite the frustration it causes, Autofill exists for a reason. In fact, it’s pretty crucial to the health of the game. Here’s why:

  • Reducing Queue Times: Imagine waiting 30 minutes to play a 30-minute game. Not fun, right? Autofill is a necessary evil to keep the cogs spinning and minimize the downtime you would otherwise spend bored out of your mind, staring at the client. It essentially guarantees that all players take the field once again with the minimal hiccups, redistributing players fairly evenly across all available positions.
  • Skill Diversification: Sure, you’re the next coming of Faker on the mid lane, but have you ever wondered why those pesky ADCs never follow up on your roams? Or why your jungler never ganks you when you're perma-pushing you opponent? Autofill forces you to step out of your comfort zone, viewing League from a broader perspective, and develop a more rounded overall understanding of the game.
  • Role Population Balance: League's matchmaking system juggles millions of players across MMRs, divisions, and postions. Some roles, by sheer player agency and design, are simply more popular than others. Autofill steps in to keep the balance, ensuring every game has a full lineup, even if some players get auto filled into roles they’d rather avoid.

    And don't worry; If one of your team mates gets auto filled, your enemies are more likely to have one aswell. Misery loves company, right? Both sides might be a little out of their depth—but hey, at least it's fair!

Minimizing Autofill and Reducing Queue Times

braum and poro help lol

Want to keep Autofill to a minimum? Here's how to salvage these tried-and-true methods to shift the match making odds in your favor:

  1. Autofill Protection; Your Sacred Shield: Riot Games does have your back...sometimes. Autofilled players typically get two games’ worth of protection, guaranteeing that they get their preferred role. Same thing applies when you stick through a match with an AFK team mate.. You might've been forced to play LuLu once, but hey, that’s the price for freedom next time.
  1. Strategic Role Selection: Support and Jungle are like the broccoli of League—unloved but essential. Play these and not only do you eliminate the risk of a surprising fill for your next 2 games, but you’ll also breeze through queues in the matter of seconds (which is even more crucial in a high elo game).
    Bonus: playing Support might even make you a better ADC main!
  1. Shift, Adapt, Overcome: Supports get hate, but it’s honestly an underappreciated role. If you get shoved down here, at least play it with style. Plus, modern supports, like Pyke or Vel'Koz are far from the ward-placing automatons of yesteryear – they're playmaking machines that can turn the tide of battle by themselves. All of you Talon and Syndra mains will find yourself right at home playing assassin and mage supports in the modern era, even if you're not the highlight of the show.

Effective Strategies for Autofill Situations

tahm kench chamion lol

So, you’ve been Autofilled. It’s not the end of the world, really. You know what happens when life gives you lemons—gotta make a lemonade out of it:

  1. Pick Adaptive Champions: Some champions are role-agnostic chameleons—They're just built differently, what can I say. Consider arming yourself with a pocket pick or two; flexible champs who thrive in multiple roles. Take Swain, for example—this guy’s out here terrorizing Mid lane, dominating Support, and even throwing hands in Top Lane. Or consider Tahm Kench, cruising through both Top Lane and Support like he owns the place.

    The goal isn't to master each one of them and hard carry every game. It’s about being solid enough that when reality smacks you with an unexpected position, you’re not just sitting there scratching your head.

  1. Stick With Your Comfort Picks: If your main champion is one of those Swiss Army knives, and can function in a new role, go for it! A bursty mage like Syndra can hold their ground as a Support, while a sustaining jungler such as Warwick can pivot to an aggressive top lane presence.

    Just make sure your team is on board before you lock in that Ahri Top, if you don't want to be grieved to oblivion that is...

  1. Build Adaptively: If unfamiliar with dynamics of your new position, consider tweaking your build to incorporate some of your usual items—just to feel a little closer to home, you know. Top laners getting autofilled to Support roles? A bruiser-style support build with items like Black Cleaver or Sterak's Gage can help you survive and even thrive without stepping to far into foreign territory.
  1. Communicate with Your Team: A little honesty goes a long way. Let them know you got the short end of the stick. Most players are surprisingly understanding, and they might offer to trade positions, or be more forgiving of minor mistakes. A simple "Hey, I'm autofilled, gonna do my best" can level expectations and head off potential toxic interactions.

The Silver Lining

Autofill might feel like Riot’s way of trolling you, but it’s an essential part of keeping League’s matches balanced and queue times short. Every game you play in an off-role adds a new layer to your skill set and strengthens your understanding of different aspects of the game.

So next time you get autofilled, don't just dodge right away. Strap on your new boots, play the champion with whom you're most comfortable, and show that you're a beast no matter what role you're assigned. After all, climbing the ranks isn’t just about playing your favorite lane—it’s about mastering the game itself.

Besides, it is a perfect excuse to try something new; who knows, maybe you’ll discover your inner Bard main.

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Vladimir enthusiast turned League of legends analyst, dissecting gamplay intrecacies through insightful content

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