Picture this: your entire team got taken down one by one like a bunch of flies, and you find yourself the last one standing, surrounded by the entire enemy team. They're licking their chops as your teammates start spamming "ff go next". But what they don't know how much serious firepower you're packing and how much you've waited for this moment...
Enter the world of 1v5 champions in League of Legends where a handful of characters can turn you form "yet another player" into a full-blown one man army.
In this guide, we'll explore the select few champions who thrive on this challenge—champions who can single-handedly solo carry entire teams on their back, swing the odds into their favors and turn the tides of battle in the most desperate situations.
Whether it's through relentless healing, game-breaking AoE abilities, or absurd scaling potential, these champions are built to breeze through entire teams, no questions asked. Looking for a new main or to expand your champion pool? Here, we’ll break down the champions who can truly set their mark in teamfights and make the other team wish they'd never queued up!
If you’re looking to master one of these powerful champions in ranked games, starting with the right account is essential. Consider purchasing a ranked League of Legends account to jump right into the competitive scene and dominate with your favorite picks.
It should be noted that hard solo carry champions aren't necessarily the best champions in terms of climbing. While there might be some overlap between the two sets, climbing in ranked is an odds game, and odds are pretty much always in the best team's favor. These picks are extremely powerful, especially in low elo, but with individual player impact diminishing the higher you climb, the value of these 1v5 beasts might tank slightly in favor of more team-oriented comps. Where's the fun in that though? Were here to crush hopes and flatten lands baby!
Before diving into the champions themselves, let’s take a look at what makes a true 1v5 monster shine. Not every champ can go toe-to-toe with five enemies and come out on top. Here are the key characteristics a champion needs to even stand a chance in such scenarios:
Alright, enough with the warm-up. Who are these absolute forces of nature that can turn a teamfight into a pentakill parade? Let’s dive into the champs who bring the big guns—the ones who don’t just survive a 1v5, but thrive in it. Here are the stars of the show:
Vladimir - The Crimson Reaper: If you scroll down to the end it might be pretty obvious that I've a Vladimir main, but there's a good reason why I picked him above all else—This guy absolutely SHREDS!!! Biases aside, when it comes to solo carrying games and coming out on top in late game scenarios, the is no match to the reaper. His insane magic damage, life-stealing sustain, and surprising tankiness make him an absolute nightmare in long teamfights.
I'm won't lie—Vlad might feel pretty daunting to play when you pick him up at first, but with enough farm and a few kills under your belt, you practically become an undying powerhouse, dishing out ridiculous amounts of damage while your enemies frantically try to figure out why you won’t just die.
Yone - The Unforgotten: If "Isolate and Disintegrate" was a show, this fella would be the main character. His entire kit revolves around dispelling enemy formations and destroying priority targets one by one. His E Soul Unbound forces enemy carries to scurry away like a bunch of chickens as you dive in, slice them into smithereens then safely return to his team before they could even react.
The longer Yone is left standing, the more dangerous he gets as he can weave in and out of fights, wear down enemy defenses, and pick off vulnerable targets—especially with his super busted Ultimate Fate Sealed. Give him a few kills, and Yone can practically 1v5 without breaking a sweat.
Kassadin - The Void Walker: To be completely honest with you, I'd rather get locked in a cage with Warwick than face off a late-game Kassadin—at least with Warwick, I'd get to see him before he shreds me to pieces. This guy is slippier than a buttered up Fizz! His Riftwalk (R) allows him to blink all over the place, dishing out insane burst damage while being practically untouchable.
But once he hits level 16 though? Oh boy. At that point, even a perfectly timed Zhonya’s probably won’t save you. Even escaping enemies stand no chance as his Riftwalk basically turns into a zero-cooldown Flash. And, of course, he’s got built-in magic resist because… why not give him everything?
Kindred - The Eternal Hunters: Arguably being the best Infinitely Scaling champion, Kindred are often seen as the underdog during the early laning phase. But give them enough time to stack up and you've got an M1 Tank! If she's got an enemy champion with her mark, they'd be skedaddling out of there as soon as possible because they know how ugly things could get!
They have range, damage, and an incredible ultimate , which keeps both Kindred and their team alive in the most critical moments. What more could you ask for?!
Samira - The Desert Rose: Ah yes, the queen of pentakills herself. The stats don't lie—and they do sure tell a story! Her playstyle is like a highlight reel waiting to happen, especially when she gets her ultimate riled up. "How many enemies you got there?" To Samira, they're just cash bags waiting to be claimed.
Chaotic fights were everyone is disoriented is the perfect time for her to flex. She excels at dashing from target to target, mowing down the enemy team with flair, finesse, and devastating damage!
With over 169 champions in the game, it gets quite hard to narrow down the best 1v5 champions; With enough practice and mastery; pretty much anyone could steamroll games, so don't be upset that your main didn't make it to the list.
With that said, there are a few more picks that can't be overlooked when it comes to solo showdowns, so how about we show them some love too:
Gangplank - The Saltwater Scourge: I stand by the belief that Gangplank is the hardest champion to master, hands down. But with enough time invested, he's arguably the strongest solo carry champion in the game! We all know that feeling of seeing a GP with 500k+ mastery points—you already know you'll be taking 1000 true damage to the face in 20 minutes!
Those barrels shred through the toughest armors like plastic—did I mention they're also AoE?!!
Kayle - The Righteous: Scaling? That’s basically Kayle’s middle name. She’s hands-down the strongest late-game carry if left unchecked—no contest. Her entire kit is tailor-made for those explosive, game-changing moments, with scaling that turns her into an absolute juggernaut. Once she hits her peak, she’s dishing out insane ranged and splash damage, and her ult practically screams “unstoppable.” With her at full power, turning a 1v5 clutch into a routine play is just another day on the Rift.
Master Yi - The Wuju Bladesman: Can't have a list for 1v5 champions without the blade-spinning legend himself making an appearance! Let me tell you, this guy doesn't mess around—he just zooms in and starts slicing. Yi specializes in turning enemy champions into shreds one by one, like he's checking names off Grim Reaper's grocery list.
With his ability to snowball harder than a winter storm, Yi is the quintessential carry champion. Just don't get cocky and dive into a 1v5 too soon... unless you really want you like seeing the rift in black and white.
Aatrox - The Darkin Blade: This guy’s like if a demon and a blender had a baby—a horrifying, sword-swinging baby. Aatrox really hits this wild sweet spot where he’s tanky enough to survive a barrage of attacks, yet agile enough to dance around enemies while chunking their health bars. The best part? His healing. Just when the enemy team thinks they’ve got him on the ropes, he laughs in Darkin and heals right back up while slurping their blood like it's milkshake.
To not piss off any Tank or Support mains, I have to acknowledge your impact in the game—I've seen Sejuanis carry harder than Dravens most of the time, but talk is talk... Not all champions are built the same, and in solo carry scenarios, certain roles excel more than others.
Here’s how different roles approach 1v5 combat:
Assassins (e.g., Akali, Zed): This role has the most agency in the early game since they usually unlock a 100-to-0 combo sooner than most other champions. Assassins mostly rely on burst damage, stealth, and mobility(blinks and dashes for days!), making them great for picking off enemies one at a time. In full blown teamfight situations, their goal is to hard focus the enemy carry and take them down as fast as possible before rotating to other targets.
Want to climb faster while mastering high-impact champions like Zed or Akali? A level 30+ unranked LoL account can help you skip the grind and focus on improving your skills in ranked play.
While they lack sustain, assassins compensate with high-risk, high-reward playstyles that can dismantle a team if done right. But be careful; the impact of an assassin drops the hardest the longer the game drags on, so take your shot and take it quick!
Fighters (e.g., Jax, Riven): These titans are often the scariest to deal with—no other class of champions could charge at you at mach 10 speed with 450 AD, 5K health, 200 Armor and hunger for blood like Fighters do! They combine absurd damage with high durability, allowing them to survive longer in fights. In 1v5 scenarios, they thrive by weaving in and out of fights and gradually wearing down the enemy frontline before hunting the backline carries.
Despite how broken they might seem—they kinda are to be honest—effective kiting and crowd control will keep even the most fed bruisers at bay.
Marksmen (e.g., Vayne, Twitch): It's literally in the name; AD *Carry, what more could you ask for? With enough mastery, pretty much any marksman could rain down terror on entire teams, melting anyone who dares step in range. Their high sustained damage makes them game-changers*, and when an ADC pops off, the whole match can turn on its head.
But here’s the trade-off: marksmen are basically glass cannons. All that damage comes with a serious fragility factor, so if you get caught, it’s lights out. That’s why, as an ADC, positioning is everything. Stay alive, dodge the threats, and you’ll be the last thing the enemy team sees before they hit the respawn timer.
1v5ing isn’t for the faint of heart, but here are some tried-and-true tips to help you dominate:
Runes and Itemization: Look, I get it—most of us are happy just copying builds or rune pages straight off OPGG and calling it a day. And sure, that’ll work most of the time. But here’s the catch: a smart enemy team that adapts their builds to shut you down will always be one step ahead of you. So, don’t be afraid to get a little dynamic! Tailor your runes and items to the situation at hand, and be ready to tackle whatever the enemy throws your way.
A poorly chosen item could spell the difference between a pentakill and a respawn—so build wisely!
Timing and Positioning: Your mouse is what’s going to lead you to victory—or straight to your doom—so think twice before clicking yourself into a five-man ambush. You can’t just charge headlong into an entire team and hope for the best. A successful solo clutch requires patience, timing, and knowing exactly when and where to strike.
Always stay on your feet, dodge lethal lockdown, and keep your enemies guessing.
Work Toward the Late Game: Most of the champions we went over are often stomped in the early game, but turn to monsters after a full build. Chill, you'll have your time to shine; if you know you scale harder than the enemy team, keep farming until it’s showtime.
Finally, it’s time to get your hands dirty. When you’re in a 1v5 situation, every move counts. Here’s how to make sure you come out on top:
Mastering the art of the 1v5 is thrilling, yet challenging. These champions aren’t just built to carry—they’re built to turn the game into a spectacle and rile up the crowds. Whether you’re looking to bring a little chaos to your solo queue games, channel more agency into your hands, or simply leave a trail of respawning enemies in your wake, these picks have you covered—especially Vlad :)
Now get out there and show them what true solo dominance looks like!